Monday, December 24, 2007


Baby Owen. Baby Fever. He is SOOO cute, and so good natured. Thank you for letting me take the pictures that were a long time coming!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Maxwell James

This little bundle is a long awaited arrival. From the looks of it, it was well worth it. He is beautiful. From the way his ears perfectly fold on his head to the ever so exact crease's on the bottom of his feet.
It was great to meet Maxwell last weekend, and great to see his parents so thrilled.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My goodness! Taking too long to get these up! WELL, at least I know that it is NOT me, but the blogger site. I randomly checked this morning, without changing anything on my computer and all of a sudden all the functions are working to get the pics up! Only a few hours ago it wasn't. But, ANYWAY...

Here is a shoot from last weekend. We were able to find some not so awful dreary leaves (we were asking a lot at the end of November). We were also trying the strobe on for size and, well, I'm a definite fan!

Thanks Nicole! I had a fun time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cousin Time.

So, I haven't had a breath since my recent trip to the coast visiting my cousins. No time to play with my newest Camera, except this recent endeavor! I'm getting snap-itchy now... and the weather is so dreary and uninspiring- hopefully something will happen soon so I can scratch the itch.

Anyway, this was a fun time. Mika loves these girls, and was singing about them tonight, a song involving a dragon and a birthday cake, alongside her cousins. Sounded like a good time. Almost as fun as our mini-holiday. So, I thought I'd post these pictures.

My sister came along for the ride. She made good lattes for me everyday.

Little Lucy, this one cost the tooth fairy a visit while we were up- pretty exciting stuff! She was also an avid crafter... not enough time in the day to fill her artsy needs! Insightful and generous, a beautiful spirit.

Grace- An imagination larger than life, with stories for her Polly pockets, her themed adventures (with a different outfit each time) and her haunted house ideas. Sweeter than honey, this one is.

Mika and her cousins. A trip she won't forget for quite some time, I believe. This one left a lasting impression, with the bonds of sisterhood now in her blood.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This is the place where you meet me.

About four days ago, I was driving down a street and it was raining. The day was dreary. The rain stopped, and I saw the edge of the cloud above me. It wasn't feathered or hazy, it was a solid edge stretched across the sky in front of me. I parked the vehicle overlooking the valley of a ravine, I had a moment to kill (or live). Just as the sun started to shine, it started to snow from the edge of this cloud. The end of the cloud turned into a snow cloud. After not having snow in a few months, it was a pretty surreal feeling. Golden shining snow on the wet glistening leaves. There was nobody around.

Ever think that a moment is there just for you to feel? Almost like it is intangible in any other way but for you to feel it in its surreal shell? That's how this was for me. For a few seconds, I knew how small but very a part I am of this big universe.

And of course this started me thinking of time and essence, and then I got distracted before I got too philosophical, and became more self indulged. About my life, my daughter and I, where I was going, what may be possible, what I feared and worried about... but those are for blog entries far from this one to come.

I mention all this, because I want to give weight for what I say now and here: I remember the most intimate moment where I went from a person who took a picture to someone who felt I was taking a photo.

I can no longer take a picture. It is very hard to take a picture. (I find it tough even at the most boring unphotogenic event!) It was a couple of years ago now, but I remember the sweet candle smell around me, the laughter of my daughter, the weight of my new (but old) manual camera. I remember feeling the moment as I clicked the shutter, that there was something more than light and colour I was trying to capture and convey.

Even if I am not quite in the moment as the golden snowfall I truly experienced the other day -and all photography conditions are completely imperfect and I'm tired and I'm alongside a boring subject- I can't help to, not only try, but need to tap into the true caliber of the nature of what it is I am capturing. It's a challenge I strive for, to discover and try to pull what significant substance there is- from small to large in character, flat to deep in essence.

Through photography, I have become a firm believer that no matter what the moment be -the unfolding of a tulip in the spring, a child's first birthday, a marriage to the love of ones life- it all holds value in our world, in our hearts and in our memories. It's something we were for a few seconds or an era in our lives, for a moment, and it creates who we are right now. Theoretically, photos are these moments captured to keep and help not fade from our minds and hearts.

Slices of life, for you to enjoy.