Monday was going to be the day that, had Jaime not gone into labour, she would be induced. In the middle of the day, I texted my brother for the progress. They had been called in and she had been given the gel. My sister was already at the hospital with them. I finished up the last few tedious errands I had to do and picked Mika up from preschool. We went to the hospital. I met my sister in the lobby on her way to get a burger. I'm going to interject here with the series of events, because I have a memory of when I was in labour with Mika. My sister and husband at the time, Mike, got burgers while I was in labour. I remember them discussing what they would eat, and I remember Mike getting a little too excited that there was a White Spot in the hospital. They were going on and on about food and I was in pain, that I eventually got mad and snapped at them. They gave 'the look' as in, she's in labour and not so happy. The reason I share this story with you, is because this time around with Meagan being a part of the labour journey my brother got this great picture. It has Jaime with this look of pain holding her belly and Meagan beside her picking up her burger minding her own business and eating. Freaking hilarious, an ongoing joke the whole day. Meagan, you are a GREAT labour coach... you have a medical background, you help a person make decisions with all points of views included and you are encouraging and thoughtful... but seriously, the burger thing is a bit at large. Ha ha! Brian or Jaime, send the picture so I can share the humour with everyone!
Anyway. We were there hanging out for a bit, but learned that Jaime was not very far along and Miss Mika was getting the grump on, so we decided to go home until further notice. It was about 6 o'clock. Brian said he'd call us when the doctor came at 7 for an update. Went home, had supper, put Mika to bed at about 7:30, and Brian called. Doctor still had not come and Jaime was still not far along. I decided to bake some dessert for my parents. Mmmm, Lava cakes. Well, the cakes just go in the oven, and the phone rings. Jaime is 9 and a half cm dilated! My mom and I stood at that oven door... and at this point I'd like to change the saying "A watched pot never boils" to "A watched cake doesn't bake". Those 4 minutes were soooooo long! Finally, I whip them out of the oven, and mom and I jump in the Envoy and away we go! I probably should not have been driving I was SO excited.
Mom and I could not stop chatting and chittering about babies, and cousins, and Brian being a Dad (A dad!!! My little brother!!!) and poor POOR Jaime who had a labour so fast all of a sudden.
We rush through the door in the nick of time before they close it, and up the elevator. We arrive at the other side of the door to the room, and here some painful sounding noises. Meagan is just around the corner in the waiting room, having arrived 5 minutes before us. We chat for a bit, she updates us on stats. Jaime did not get the epidural, there was no time. (my heart went out to her then! An induction without an epidural I couldn't imaging, because I had one... I have a VERY low pain tolerance, but I think hers is even lower than mine!)
We here some sounds that seem like Rylan is almost here. We crowd the door waiting.
Let me tell you about the energy now. It's thin, and comes through the door. We can all feel it... it sends goosebumps and love, because there is nothing more special than a baby in this world. Waiting for that specialness is pretty much the most exciting thing a person can anticipate.
We here a final push, and Jaime shouting "Yes!" And then, we hear Rylan. A beautiful set of lungs. Everyone on this side of the door is grinning ear to ear.
We waited a long long (long!) time for news. Jaime's mom comes out periodically to tell us. He's cute, lots of hair. He's pink all over. He's 19 inches! He's 8lbs 7oz!
We take turns going in... and when I got my turn... well, he is cute! And pink and hairy, and chubby (a matter of perspective I guess, I've seen more preemies than newborns in my time I think though). He is beautiful and amazing. I love him.
Here is Rylan Joseph, born February 25 at 9:18pm.

Jaime, you did well. You did more than well, you did spectacular! Congratulations on your baby, I can't wait to hang out with you guys, for our kids to play together. I can't wait for you to see all those firsts- first smile, first laugh, first roll, first crawl, first word, first tooth, first step. The cuddling to come, the conversations, the worrying, the hoping and the loving. Being a mother is more incredible than anything... I think you are doing a great job of embracing it all.

Brian. My sweet little big brother. You are a Father. A Dad. A Pop. You are going to have so much fun. Your kind heart and enduring nature that I've experienced first hand. Your silly, hilarious, easy-going ways. Sometimes you make me laugh so much, it's medicinal. Your calm attitude and beautiful mind. These things I know make you a great father already. I can't wait to see you put it all into play. I can't wait for my Mika and your Rylan to grow up and make stories of their own, like the so very many stories you and I have together. Through thick and thin, knowing each other like we do.
Congratulations B. Your son is amazing.

And here is Aunty. Meagan, you have had so much practice with my munchkin, there is no doubt in knowing the kind of aunty you will be. I imagine horses will have something to do with it. I'm sure Rylan will love petting and cuddling the lizards. One day on his lips he will lick sweet mmmberries from your garden. Zoo trips, plane rides and sleepovers with floats. Rylan has some fun times ahead with you.
ACK! Bawling, at work - NOT a good thing... WOW Laura. Just, WOW. COngratulations to you all!!! Welcome to planet weird, Rylan!
You sound so sweet like a proud sister should !
Congratulations !
I can practically smell him! Congratulations Aunty!
Ohhhhhh...such a little sweetie pie!! I just love newborns...
thank-you for this laura. it made me almost cry. im sure i would of bawled if i didnt have my friend right behind me haha.
But thats beautiful... im getting my mom to print off the blog and put it in rylans baby book.. if you dont mind.
Your an amazing auntie.. and im glad Rylan has so many people who love him. and beautiful pics. i cant wait for more!
No Problem Jaime, print away. I'd be honoured to be in Rylan's baby book!
Going to admit, I got teary-eyed when I was writing bits of it. But, I also have a cold to enhance that ;) ha ha.
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