The first day Mika went to daycare it was a rough one. For me, and for her too. She cried and fought it. Having hardly been away from her mama, and her world having just recently before turned upside down as she knew it, going to daycare was a tragic event. When I first arrived back that day, Mika's teacher told me she hit it off with this girl, a little cutie. Thinking over the weeks that it was just a playmate, I had drastically under estimated this friendship.
Over the passed year of getting to know Mika's friend, and how Mika and her got along, I've realised these two have more than just a playmate to pass time. On days when Mika is down, her friend can pick this up and ask if she's sad, give her a hug and make her a picture. Mika's world has been molded for a better place because of this wonderful, warm spirited confidant. When her pal needs a hand opening her yogurt, or an invite to a fun game at preschool, Mika is the first to lend a hand. I love watching this important bond that EVERY person should have with someone. Someone who knows who you are, knows when to be there or when to give space, -how to be a friend and hold a hand.

Mika's friend's mom and I have often talked about getting the girls together outside of preschool to start fostering their friendship... so today on my day off I took the girls for lunch, a pal thing to do. (FYI the red all over Mika's face is facepaint she did- she's a horse if you couldn't tell)
We walked to the restaurant. These girls were so funny to watch! Every time we crossed a road, they would try to be louder than the other, yelling "Swiper no swiping!" at the top of their lungs, then fits of giggles would explode from their bellies as they gallivanted along.

Of course, friends like to sometimes copy each other at some point. Being a copycat can sometimes be cool. These two thought it was cool while we waited for our waitress.

Giving a little cheers is also warranted, even if there is no particular reason.

Doing activities you both enjoy, side by side, is important and should not go unnoticed.
So your M is cheating on Serejane, is she? lol
Very sweet. Serejane isn't like that with anyone at her daycare, but she certainly is tight with her big sister. You could cut the heads off M & M and replace them with Mads & Jane and you would never know the difference.
(btw - those pancakes look NASTY ewwww!!!) lol
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww that's so cute, Laura.
Is it odd that that made my day?
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