Friday, March 28, 2008

And first up.....

I've pretty much caught up on all the photos. Just some watermarking to do over the next few days. As I do that, I'll get the photos up for you to see!

The first to show you... my beautiful friend Tasha! I met Tasha one year ago, and I know she is one of those friends you know you will be with a lifetime. She is a keeper! Tash had her birthday this last month, and what better way to celebrate than having some kick-butt photos! It was SOOOO much fun! With some great snacks and a ton of laughter, we were set!

Thanks Tasha! Now to look forward to our time at the beach this summer! Happy Birthday!


Hope Walls said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the bottom two shots!!!

Anonymous said...

Wicked photos Laura...and Tasha!!
You are beautiful!

She pulls off that umbrella better than anyone else!


cathy said...

Great shots!